Timetuple Function In Python

Function Name:



Function Signature:



Function Overview:

  • The timetuple() method of datetime.date instances returns an object of type time.struct_time.


  • The struct_time is a named tuple object. A named tuple object has attributes that can be accessed by an index or by name.


  • The struct_time object has attributes for representing both date and time fields along with a flag to indicate whether Daylight Saving Time is active.


  • The named tuple returned by the timetuple() function will have its year, month and day fields set as per the date object and fields corresponding to the hour, minutes, seconds will be set to zero.


  • The returned object will have its DST flag set to the value of -1.


Example 1:

# import python's datetime module

import datetime


# Create today's date

todaysDate = datetime.date.today()


# Print Today's date

print("Today's date is {}".format(todaysDate))


# Create a struct_time tuple out of today's date

timeTuple = todaysDate.timetuple()


# Print the struct_time tuple




Output 1:

Today's date is 2017-02-09

time.struct_time(tm_year=2017, tm_mon=2, tm_mday=9, tm_hour=0, tm_min=0, tm_sec=0, tm_wday=3, tm_yday=40, tm_isdst=-1)


The fields










can either be accessed using dateobject.attribute_name way are the

subscript way dateobject[0], dateobject[1] and so on.

The week of the day attribute tm_wday field will have the following values

0 – Sunday

1 – Monday

2 – Tuesday

3 – Wednesday

4 – Thursday

5 – Friday

6 – Saturday

Example 2:

# import python's datetime module

import datetime


# Create Christmas date

xmasDate = datetime.date(2017,12,25)


# Print Christmas date

print("Christmas date is {}".format(xmasDate))


# Create a struct_time tuple out of Christmas date

xmasTuple = xmasDate.timetuple()


# Print the struct_time tuple

print("Christmas Year:{}".format(xmasTuple[0]))

print("Christmas Month:{}".format(xmasTuple[1]))

print("Christmas Date:{}".format(xmasTuple[2]))

print("Christmas Hour:{}".format(xmasTuple[3]))

print("Christmas Minutes:{}".format(xmasTuple[4]))

print("Christmas Seconds:{}".format(xmasTuple[5]))

print("Christmas Day of the Week:{}".format(xmasTuple[6]))

print("Christmas Day of the Year:{}".format(xmasTuple[7]))

print("DST Flag:{}".format(xmasTuple[8]))



Output 2:

Christmas date is 2017-12-26

Christmas Year:2017

Christmas Month:12

Christmas Date:26

Christmas Hour:0

Christmas Minutes:0

Christmas Seconds:0

Christmas Day of the Week:1

Christmas Day of the Year:360

DST Flag:-1



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